Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Beginnings Prosperity now continue;expand;extend

Because it is time now to understand me and the time to motivate;sway has passed in previous methodologies because we are progressive exceeding quotas at more than 101% with a spirit of excellence for God's Glory!!  It is now time to act and very quickly as you see others reactions and their desires to step in No matter the cost!!

New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend

Because you have been awesome and amazing and I have indeed seen you around town.  I thank God for you in everything to everyone right down to the very last detail.  If God did not orchestrate I would not be with you today!

Automobile Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friday, August 24, 2012

New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;;Expand;Extend

Going Going Going to see my Porsche at Rusnak Pasadena!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Full and complete restoration declared in training

Oh oh!  My Goodness...and now I understand exactly how it works and why I always won in spades and her it comes!  ha ha ha! I always took the house!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Karin Spencer

Continuing in Training The Completr Training Process.

God does amazing work through you guys!!! Home base @ the new transformed college pad getting ready for dancing.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Full Restoration Continues

Refocusing my goals & mission:
1)  Integrated and complete living in Christ by grace.
a) Listening to Sermons & Christian Music 'ME'
2)  Continuing in New Marriage Focus - Dating
3)  Start Career
4)  Start School
5)  Start Netwotking

Full Restoration Continues

Stating to everyone that my public life began 26 years ago when I was featured on the talk show cara a cara and thanking God that I continue in public still and will always be an 'open book'.